Game Of Thrones: 10 Alternative Actors Who Should Have Been Cast

Cersei Lannister - Rosamund Pike vs. Lena Headey

Rosamund-Pike-rosamund-pike-14868710-1920-1200Where do I know her?: Jack Reacher, Wrath of The Titans She spawned the demon child Joffrey, she attempted to have Tyrion killed and lets not even get into her relationship with brother Jaime Lannister. Whilst she may have a one way ticket to hell, you can't argue that to Cersei Lannister her children really do come first. Actress Lena Headey is most famous for her piercing glare and stabbing one liners, but looking at the grand scheme of things Cersei doesn't really do a lot at King's Landing. Could Rosamund Pike take on the role? An English Literature graduate from Oxford, Pike became an actress despite being turned down from everywhere she applied, resulting in a part time job at a local Waterstone's bookshop. An agent spotted her performing 'Romeo and Juliet' at the National Youth Theatre and he love for the dramatic went from there. For a Cersei style stare check her out as ice queen, double agent, Miranda Frost in 007's 'Die Another Day.' cersei-lannister-1024

Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap