Game Of Thrones: 10 Best Episodes (According To IMDb)
1. Battle Of The Bastards - 9.9
This is it. As voted by fans of the show, the best of the best of this incredible series is the ninth episode of season six, 'Battle of the Bastards'. Directed by Miguel Sapochnik, the man who also directed 'Hardhome', the episode recreated the horror of battle in the same way the fifth season battle with the white walkers did.
The build up to this epic battle began at the end of season five when Sansa fled Winterfell and Ramsay Bolton. Ever since, Roose Bolton's bastard courted war with the man believed to be Ned Stark's bastard, and once the latter was freed from his bond with the Night's Watch, he was happy to oblige.
The battle itself was the biggest the show had ever done, and visually, was nothing short of stunning. From the shock of Rickon's murder just inches from Jon's face, to Ramsay's ironic fate that is up there with Joffrey's death in terms of satisfaction, the battle more than lived up to every expectation.
While the titular battle is the reason this episode is rated so highly, there is also action across the Narrow Sea. Daenerys and her dragons hit top gear as they destroy the slaver ships surrounding Meereen, freeing the Targaryen Queen up to set sail for Westeros.