Game Of Thrones: 10 Best Episodes (According To IMDb)

8. The Lion And The Rose - 9.7

The Red Wedding Game Of Thrones

Four episodes before the trial of the century in Westeros came the day that started it all. After their invaluable help in the Battle of the Blackwater, the Tyrells betrothed Margaery to Joffrey, forever joining their House to the Iron Throne. Or so they thought.

For the first four seasons of Game of Thrones, Cersei and Jaime's eldest child earned himself a reputation as a monster, and the worst human in Westeros. Joffrey killed for fun, abused his power, and treated everyone who wasn't himself like dirt.

In the build up to his wedding, all of this was directed at Tyrion. From destroying a priceless wedding gift, to pouring wine over his uncle's head and making him his cup bearer, Joffrey inspired a level of hatred from audiences that few characters in TV history can match.

While readers of the book knew what was coming in the joining of the lion and the rose, those in the dark were completely blindsided by the death of the King. It was one of the cruelest and most brutal deaths in the show, however it was also the most satisfying possible end to Joffrey's reign, and no less than he deserved.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.