Game Of Thrones: 10 Best Moments Of Poetic Justice
"Would you care for a savage death with your crown, sir?"
One great advantage Game of Thrones has over other TV shows is that it's based upon a strong foundation of source material. George R.R. Martin has done the majority of the 'heavy-lifting' so to speak, while David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are tasked with tailoring it to suit a television screen. Martin can (and does) take his time with every inch of the story-writing, and therefore can endlessly ponder how each minuscule detail could be utilised as a piece of foreshadowing for future events. Martin has a wicked sense of humour, and a boldness to provide fans with shocking and twistedly satisfying deaths throughout his book series. And many of those deaths play out in a similar fashion on TV, though Benioff and Weiss have dabbled with some key events. Poetic justice is served throughout the show with moments that left the audience immensely gratified with deaths that were perfectly crafted for the victims. However, there can be such a thing as poetic injustice. Just as intricately planned, but for all the wrong reasons. So let's take a look at 10 of the best moments of poetic justice on offer throughout Game of Thrones' history.