Game Of Thrones: 10 Moments The Show Could Have Done Better

2. Yara Attacks The Dreadfort

Here we have a moment that is not in the books at all. After receiving a threatening letter from Ramsay Snow at the end of season three, Yara defies her father€™s order and assembles a crew to rescue Theon. This set up was genuinely intriguing because it could have literally gone anywhere. Yet while the set up was intriguing, the execution was abysmal. This remains the only genuinely dumb scene in the series. The only saving grace is the performances, all of which are fantastic. But the material is so rushed and lacks logic. Things like Ramsay, despite lacking any battle experience, rushing into battle bare chested and coming out on top reeks of a typical television type moment, something which Game of Thrones usually avoids. And it ends with the "best killers" of the Iron Islands being chased off by dogs. It is abrupt and confusing. By the time the scene ends, nothing has changed, making this entire storyline pointless. Really, everything about this could have been better had the proper time been given to developing it. But since Game of Thrones is already stuffed with so much story, it gets the bare minimum amount of time, which begs the question why they bothered at all.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.