Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Brutal Deaths
9. Walder Frey
There will be entries on this list that don’t come at the hands of Arya Stark, but not this one. The lone wolf had Walder Frey’s name on her list ever since the Red Wedding, and in the tenth episode of season six, was finally able to scratch it off.
The Lord of the Crossing was famous throughout Westeros for his prickly nature, and easily wounded pride. After murdering the King in the North, though he didn’t realise it, Walder Frey had painted a target on his back for she who would become one of the deadliest assassins in the country.
Again using her face swapping ability, Arya posed as a Frey serving girl, fed Lord Walder some pie, and slit his throat. While this isn’t particularly brutal in itself (at least when compared to the rest of this list), it is more the contents of the pie she fed him first.
Arya Stark, the once innocent girl whose first fighting advice was to stick them with the pointy end, killed two of Walder Frey’s sons, baked them into a pie, and fed them to their father. This was about more than death. This was about suffering.