Game Of Thrones: 10 Scenes Actors Hated Filming

9. Lancel’s Final Crawl – Eugene Simon

game of thrones ramsay theon

Cersei Lannister is one of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones. She committed an extensive list of crimes over the course of her life, but her most deplorable act of villainy took place in the final episode of Season 6.

Rather than facing her trial, Cersei destroys the Sept of Baelor with wildfire, wiping out her enemies in the process. Moments before the explosion takes place, Lancel Lannister, having been wounded by one of Qyburn’s spies, crawls beneath the Sept and tries to reach the wildfire before it ignites.

Though Lancel’s crawl is fairly brief in the actual episode, filming this scene wasn’t fun for Eugene Simon. He had to spend an entire day crawling through a dark dungeon in Belfast that was strewn with bat droppings, and this grim experience definitely took its toll:

“It was exhausting. It was bloody. It was sweaty. It was wet. It was dark. It was everything Game of Thrones is and more.”

But the pain Simon endured was more than worth it. The build-up to the destruction of the Sept in tandem with Lancel’s desperate crawl is one of the best moments in Season 6.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.