Game Of Thrones: 10 Theories On Who Will Kill Cersei Lannister

3. Arya Stark

Ser Ilyn Payne. The Red Woman. Thoros of Myr. Beric Dondarrion. Walder Frey. Those are the names left on Arya Stark's kill list. The Hound and the Mountain are both believed dead (as entry #6 suggests, it's complicated); Joffrey and Tywin are definitely dead; she killed Polliver, Rorge, and most recently Ser Meryn Trant herself. The one name I haven't mentioned yet is the one at the top of the list, and a person still very much alive: Cersei Lannister. There may not be anyone left alive Arya hates and wants to kill more than Cersei, and as displayed in the Season 5 finale, she's definitely capable, while as one of the younger Stark siblings she fits the valonqar bill. You would imagine that everyone on Arya's list will die before the series concludes, and a few at her own hand. Having Arya be the one to kill Cersei would be a real sense of justice, and her using her Faceless Man training to sneak in, then revealing herself and going full-on crazed bad-ass assassin (like she did with Trant, but to another level because of the greater dramatic impact they could draw out) would be undeniably awesome to witness. Part of Arya's appeal as a character, and her plot, has been the potential of what she might do. This would be an incredible way of realising that.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.