Game Of Thrones: 10 Things That Must Happen In Season 5

9. Jaime To Kill The Mad King

Ser Jaime Lannister€™s assassination of The Mad King is one the most intriguing backstories to run through Game Of Thrones€ so let€™s see it! Whilst bathing with Brienne in season three, The Kingslayer explained how he drove his sword into the back of Aerys Targaryen before slitting his throat €œto make sure€. This would be the perfect scene to come as Thrones€™ first flashback. It would certainly satisfy fanatics€™ yearning for Ned Stark€™s return to the show, as he is said to find Jaime stood in a pool of Targaryen blood.

Writer of some things you liked and some you didn't. Film grad. Master of Arts. Adrenaline junkie.