Game Of Thrones: 14 Crazy Bits Of Foreshadowing Hidden Throughout The Series

5. This Guy Tries To Tell Us Who Ramsay Is

GoT Foreshadowing

Throughout most of Season 3, Theon is being held prisoner and repeatedly tortured, and we have absolutely no idea who his captor is. It isn't until the end of the season that we find out it's Ramsay Snow, the bastard son of Roose Bolton.

But we get some hints about the captor's identity throughout the season, with this one being a particularly clever bit of foreshadowing. In this scene, Theon is being chased down by a bunch of Boltons, when suddenly a mysterious man approaches and kills them all. We'll later find out that this man is Ramsay. 

This Bolton in particular looks up at Ramsay and says "you little bastard" right before he dies. Not only does this comment imply that he knows Ramsay, but the phrase "little bastard" obviously has a double meaning here. Just from that, we could easily figure out that this is a Bolton and a bastard son, yet the line went over most of our heads at the time.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.