Game Of Thrones: 14 Crazy Bits Of Foreshadowing Hidden Throughout The Series

2. Oberyn Predicts Tyrion's Headed To The Fighting Pits

GoT Foreshadowing

In The Mountain and the Viper, just before Oberyn goes into battle, Tyrion is acting super paranoid about how Oberyn's going to do. He tells Oberyn that he could at least wear a helmet, which as it turns out was pretty good advice. Oberyn takes a drink, and Tyrion says that he shouldn't drink before a fight.

Oberyn, sarcastically remarking on how little Tyrion knows about fighting, responds with, "you learned this during your years in the fighting pits?"

It doesn't look like he'll be fighting, but based on the preview for next week's episode, Tyrion is in fact headed to the fighting pits. 


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.