Game Of Thrones: 14 Things You Learn Rewatching Season 3

2. This Is Peak Thrones For The Conversations

Game of Thrones Jaime Bath

One of Game of Thrones' biggest strengths is its intimate dialogue scenes between two characters. Sure, the big battles are stunning, but one of the things that helps shape them are the conversations in dark rooms that dictate the ebb and flow of Westeros. It's something all the early seasons are particularly good at, but seven hells is Season 3 magnificent.

There is an obvious standout, which is Jaime's bath scene with Brienne, where he reveals the truth of his Kingslaying. It's such a quietly powerful moment, and utterly transforms his character story into a tragedy.

Elsewhere, though, we have Varys and Littlefinger sparring in the Red Keep, with the latter's now iconic "chaos is a ladder" quote; Tywin revealing his plot to marry Tyrion to Sansa, much to Cersei's delight, before then revealing she'll marry Loras Tyrell; and the introduction of Lady Olenna, who gets to match wits with all of the key players in King's Landing and is just so incredibly good every single time. Season 3 may not have a big battle - the only season apart from the first to not have one - and while the Red Wedding does make up for that, so too do all these sensational character-driven, dialogue-heavy scenes that are so loaded with meaning.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.