Game Of Thrones: 20 Greatest Performances

9. Liam Cunningham - Davos Seaworth

Cersei game of thrones
HBO/Helen Sloan

Another one of the show's most heroic figures and another one of its best, Davos Seaworth benefited from the full force of veteran Irish actor Liam Cunningham's talent. His performance was another sensitive, controlled and consistently compelling turn that brought Davos to life and made him damn-near impossible not to love.

He also absolutely nailed the big emotional scenes - particularly when he was confronting Melisandre over the death of Shireen Baratheon. In that case, he made the scene one of the highlights of season six's tenth episode, The Winds of Winter - and that's saying a lot, since that is one of the best and most action-packed episodes the show ever delivered.

Davos' story largely ended in the right way and thanks to how tremendous Liam Cunningham was as Davos, he will always be a Game of Thrones legend.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.