Game Of Thrones: 5 Plot Contrivances In A Song of Ice And Fire That Were Passed Off As Realism

3. Wildfire

wildfire-header The Battle of Blackwater Bay was the high point of A Clash of Kings, and a thrilling part of the TV series. Stannis€™ fleet besieges Kings€™ Landing, threatening the outnumbered and poorly-managed defenses of King Joffrey. It looks to be a tense, dramatic battle, until the defenders unleash wildfire€”a hyper-charged version of the actual Greek Fire used in the defense of Byzantium back in the day€”destroying Stannis€™ fleet. It€™s not magic per se, more like alchemy or science, but it still has that deus ex machina element I found distasteful. The tension had been building up, and then it as resolved suddenly by a plot creation that kind of came out of nowhere. I actually felt a bit cheated, really. Convenient nick-of-time rescues are for Tolkien. I was expecting some more (or less, I guess) from Martin.

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