Game Of Thrones: 6 Ways [Spoiler] Could Have Survived The Season 5 Finale

6. He Doesn€™t Actually Die

We don€™t know for certain that Jon has been killed, only that he appears to have been. It€™s a well established rule on TV that if you don€™t see someone definitely die, 100%, chances are it€™s because they€™re still alive. Yes, Jon is stabbed repeatedly, but that doesn€™t automatically mean the wounds he suffers are fatal. He may have been wearing some sort of mail under his shirt, so he€™d have been at least a little protected from some of the blows, and depending on what specific areas the knife hit then while he€™ll be needing some urgent attention, he isn€™t necessarily dead. The scene as it take place in the books plays out with Jon seemingly being stabbed four times, with varying degrees of seriousness. The first grazes his neck, the second is in his stomach, and the third between the shoulder blades. As for the last one: €œJon never felt the fourth knife. All he felt was the cold€€ There€™s a few meanings that can be taken from this (more on a couple of those later), but one is that it signifies that the fourth knife never actually reached Jon, because something prevented it, meaning that while he could be unconscious or in a coma, he has survived because such wounds are unlikely to be fatal. The TV show obviously goes to lengths to make it less ambiguous, having him repeatedly stabbed in the stomach - with no glancing blows - and he lays dying in a pool of his own blood, eyes glazed over. It seems a nailed on certainty that he€™s dead, but you never know.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.