Game Of Thrones: 7 Most Agonizing Twists (And Whether They Were Worse Than The Books)

4. Bran€™s Fall

bran's fall The Show This was the first moment when €œGame of Thrones€ got crazy. Kids die in this show! Twins have graphic sex! You will remember our pre-credits scenes in your nightmares! It was a moment that broke serious TV rules, providing a plot twist that served as the foundation of all other crises: imagine where the plot would have been if the Lannister children weren't illegitimate spawns of incest. The Book Everything€™s a lot more vague because it€™s told from a seven-year-old's perspective. He just calls the twins €œthe man€ and €œthe woman.€ He doesn€™t know what sex is. We figure out who's who from their conversation. And as in the show, there's a moment that looks like grace, where it seems that Jaimie isn't going to do it. Then he turns and shoves. The Verdict: The Book The scene in the show is brutal, sure, but in the book it€™s being told from Bran€™s perspective. We have to deal with his fear, his confusion, all while hoping there€™s a way for him to make it out of this.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at