Game Of Thrones: 8 Characters Who Didn't Meet Our Expectations

2. Davos Seaworth

Liam Cunningham has the right look for Davos, but I'm constantly watching him on screen and thinking how much more quiet and deferential he should be when compared to the Davos of the books. Many compare Davos to being Ned Stark v2.0 due to his honourability and logical thinking in the face of an uncompromising Baratheon, and there are indeed many parallels to be seen between Davos and Stannis' relationship next to Ned and Robert's. That said, Davos's manner doesn't quite match that of the books - George R R Martin creates the image of a humble, solemn man who constantly reflects on the circumstances of his life and confronts Stannis with the hard truths with soft spoken words rather than the emotional charge that Liam Cunningham brings to the role. It's an understandable change, but a change nonetheless.

When not writing Chris spends more time thinking about playing videogames than actually playing them and can usually be found reorganizing his Blu Ray and book collections. He owns four different editions of A Song of Ice and Fire and no, it isn't overkill. He's left the neon haze of Tokyo and Seoul for the more sedate streets of Bournemouth.