Game Of Thrones: Predicting Season 5 By The Episode Titles

Episode 5 - Kill The Boy

Could we be talking metaphorically, or could we be talking about an actual death here? Thrones is used to the former, which opens up a whole range of ideas for Episode 5. When you think of 'The Boy' there's any of characters it could be referring to, from Ramsey Snow in Winterfell with the Boltons and Reek. We'll have already seen them settle into their new home by this point. There's also Tommen in King's Landing, the young, gentle king. Will somebody make a grab for power, and in-turn bring Cersei's prophecy of her children into play? There's also Jon Snow, who will no doubt be making the headlines during at least one episode. He started as a boy, but he's growing into a man, with a cloudy future; he could wind up Lord Commander, Wildling leader, or even the right-hand man of Stannis Baratheon.

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.