Game Of Thrones Quiz: How Well Do You REALLY Remember Season 2?

With Ned Stark's death fresh news, Westeros was a dangerous place back then. What can you remember?

Game of Thrones Season 2

The end of Game Of Thrones is less than a couple of months away, but not before one final battle ensues. The final season will see the fight for the throne put on the back burner, as our heroes battle to save the Seven Kingdoms from The Night King and his army of the dead.

With the end in sight, it feels more appropriate than ever to reflect on the journey thus far. We've already tested your knowledge on the first season, but how well do you remember the second?

Season 2 saw the allegiances between the Lannisters and the Starks crumble, as news of Ned Stark's demise travelled across the realm. With Stannis Baratheon having received Lord Eddard's letter informing him that Joffrey wasn't the rightful king, the Dragonstone-dweller set sail for King's Landing to claim what he thought to be rightfully his.

It's been seven years since the second season of the HBO fantasy hit aired, and with the final season on the horizon, let's see how much you remember. Can you proclaim your allegiance to the Lord of Light? Let's find out.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.