Game Of Thrones Season 3: 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

5. The Starks

the starks

As it stands, the once mighty Starks of Winterfell have somewhat fallen ill of the events of the War of the Five Kings. With his home of Winterfell currently lying in tatters, Robb Stark faces his toughest decision yet; to press forward and smash the Lannisters whilst they are on the back foot, or to rally to Winterfell and reassert the ancient seat of the North.

Of course, recent events, such as Catelyn's release of Jaime Lannister and the believed deaths of both Bran and Rickon, have turned the tables in favour of the Starks' enemies, but Sansa's fate does still lie in the balance. Indeed, the repercussions of Robb's marriage to Talisa will surely play a part in the young wolf's struggles in season three, but just how grave will they be?


Aspiring film journalist, currently studying English at The University of Sheffield. When I'm not busy devoting my day to home cinema and retro gaming, I'll usually be found confined to my laptop; scouring the pages of IMDb for the latest updates on the silver screen.