Game Of Thrones Season 3: 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

3. Jon's Vows


Ever his father's son, Jon Snow prides himself in his understanding of what it means to uphold a code of honour. When a man such as he decides to up sticks from Winterfell and swear a life of fealty to the realm, it is a foregone conclusion that all will run smoothly, right? Well, thus far, at least, it has.

However, time and temptation are a dangerous combination. Provided he doesn't get killed on the spot by Mance Rayder - spoiler: he doesn't - the temptation of breaking his vows will, over time, test Jon Snow like never before. The question as to whether he does or not will ever be in the balance, though for a man who has fallen in and out of love with the Watch more often than Martin has killed off a character, it will be interesting to see how exactly his struggle is presented.


Aspiring film journalist, currently studying English at The University of Sheffield. When I'm not busy devoting my day to home cinema and retro gaming, I'll usually be found confined to my laptop; scouring the pages of IMDb for the latest updates on the silver screen.