Game Of Thrones Season 5: 10 Spoilerific Scenes We Can’t Wait To See

2. Cersei's Walk Of Penance

In believing Maggy€™s predictions Cercei descends into venomous jealousy against Margaery Tyrell (well, more than normal anyway) and in doing so basically sees to her own downfall, and thus a second prediction comes true. After trying and failing to see Margaery incarcerated for crimes of infidelity and treason, Cersei is arrested herself. After days of solitude she is given a chance to amend her felonies by taking a walk of penance, naked and shaved, through the streets of Kings Landing. Then, and only then, will she be able to see her son Tommen. Through this chapter we see the full extent of Cersei€™s descent into madness. This is Cersei€™s most character defining moment thus far: naked, exposed and vulnerable, readers finally begin to empathise with her. And this scene nearly failed to manifest, as disputes with the Church of Saint Nicholas in Dubrovnik almost rendered this scene impossible to shoot. Reportedly they refused to allow Lena Headey walk naked through the streets close to their church. If this scene was cut, Cercei would almost certainly be ruined, after all, this is the scene in which she finally realises the full extent of her dastardly ways. Luckily, a new location was found, and Cerseil will finally atone for her sins.

English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.