Game Of Thrones Season 6: 10 Things You Can Expect To Happen
7. Sansa Will Be Pregnant
The recent Game Of Thrones promotional photos provided some real clues as to what we can expect in Season 6. Myrcella was conclusively confirmed to be dead, Arya still looked blind and kicked to the curb, while one of the most enormous teased storylines came in the form of a potential pregnancy for Sansa. The photo showed her looking down, looking dishevelled, and looking like there was a bump in progress.
It might not happen because... it's far too obvious for Game Of Thrones, surely? There are so many concocted theories out there that will almost certainly be proved correct, I find it hard to believe HBO would lay up a storyline on a plate like this. In a desperate bid to stay spoiler-free this time around that media copies won't even be distributed. Considering that's how tight they're being, do you really expect them to serve up such a spoiler in the promotional material? I'm not buying it.