Game Of Thrones Season 6: 11 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Oathbreaker'
3. Did Ned Hear Bran?
The Tower of Joy fight scene played out in fantastic fashion, with a brutal and bloody swordfight between Ned Stark's men and the Targaryen Kingsguard.
While I could've watched an entire episode dedicated solely to the Tower, even just this scene was good enough, especially for how great Ser Arthur Dayne was, and the sight of a less-than-honourable Ned, given the way Dayne was killed.
After that, he's off into the tower, but not before Bran shouts for him. That presents the strangest moment of the scene, as Ned stops and turns around as though he heard him. The Three-Eyed Raven only offers a "maybe" as to whether this is the case.
Did Ned really hear his son? How would that even be possible? Or is this just a bit of misdirection from the show?