Game Of Thrones Season 6: 12 Major Plot Hints From The Trailer

5. The Wildings At War

Having been saved by Jon Snow at Hardhome and led back to the fresh threats at the Wall, the question of what the Wildlings do next is a pretty massive one. We know that Jon offered them settlement, but that Alliser Thorne fears them and wants them all dead, so how they escape that particularly situation is a big issue. Presumably, Alliser allows them to leave the Wall through the South gate (aware that their sheer numbers would overrun the Night's Watch) because the trailer shows their forces facing off with the Bolton army at Winterfell. It's unlikely Ramsay will march North to the Wall (he's mad, but he's not an idiot), so that would suggest the Wildlings coming south kicks the Boltons' defences into gear and they meet them on the battlefield. While that will be a good thing for fans looking for a spectacle to rival Hardhome, it surely can't be a positive situation for Tormund and the Wildlings, since the Boltons wear actual armour and they're more used to fighting crows in fur.

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