Game Of Thrones Season 6: 25 Most Epic Moments

11. The Battle Of Fire

Game of Thrones wildfire King's Landing Sept of Baelor

Everyone knew going into Episode 9 that there would be a massive battle - it was called 'Battle of the Bastards' after all. Many assumed it would be a one-location battle episode similar to 'Blackwater' and 'Watchers on the Wall'. To everyone's great surprise, the episode had another battle up its sleeve.

It might not technically qualify as a battle considering the short work Daenerys and her dragons made of the slavers' forces, but it was thrilling nonetheless. The visuals were amazing even though they were mostly CG, and the look of Daenerys riding on the back of her dragon has improved considerably since last season. There's also a fantastic moment where the cocky Masters are giving demands and we see an out-of-focus glimpse of an approaching dragon in the background, foreshadowing that this isn't going to end well for the Masters.

The sequence served to get Daenerys her ships but also demonstrated just how powerful her army was, and it's only going to get more powerful by season's end.


A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.