Game Of Thrones: Season 6 - 7 Clues From "Blood Of My Blood" Trailer

2. The Lannisters Move

Game Of Thrones Jaime

It's all going to come to a head in front of the High Sparrow's place of worship. Jaime is furious at the dishonour to his family and is itching for bloody vengeance, and it would appear he's getting solid backing from the Tyrells...

Jaime Tyrells Army Game Of Thrones

And of course Cersei's back to glower and offer threats to her enemies through her teeth...

Game Of Thrones Cersei

Inevitably, with Margaery at the Sparrow's flank, Jaime's military action will not be able to simply charge ahead. Even with greater numbers, armour, bigger, pointier spears and probably more experience, they can't risk killing their queen. So the High Sparrow still holds all of the cards.

High Sparrow Spears Game Of Thrones

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