Game Of Thrones: Season 6 - 8 Clues From "Battle Of The Bastards" Trailer

6. Jon Learns Just How Bad Ramsay Is

Game of Thrones Ramsay

It goes without saying that we're all now aware of just how much of a rotten rascal Ramsay is - he likes to burn flayed men on the battlefield to goad his enemy...

Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Battlefield

Let's hope Rickon isn't one of them. That would be slightly over-zealous even for Lord Bolton.

There's very much a suggestion here that Sansa is going to tell Jon just how bad Ramsay is by telling him more about what he put her (and possibly Theon) through.

Sansa Game Of Thrones

Her desperate frustration at Jon's claims to have faced "worse beyond the wall" suggests she's setting up a revelation. But will her personal experiences really impact Jon's military preparation? Surely, they'll just cloud his judgement? He's better off talking to someone who's fought him on a battlefield... You know, if there was actually any of them left alive.

Game Of Thrones Jon By Candlelight

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