Game Of Thrones Season 6: 8 Things You Might've Missed In 'Blood Of My Blood'

Burn them all!

Game of Thrones Bran's visions lyanna ned R+L=J

After the explosive, emotional ending to The Door, Game of Thrones chose to dial things back a little bit this week in Blood of my Blood. 

It was a quieter episode, with a lot of table setting, and as such a lot of the payoff and conclusions will only start to arrive in the coming weeks. While that may have left viewers hungry, the menu being offered sounds incredible. 

We got Arya rejecting the Faceless Men, Daenerys firing up the Dothraki to conquer Westeros in her name, Bran reuniting with his uncle Benjen (who also happens to be Coldhands), Jaime leaving King's Landing, and the return of the Riverlands and Walder Frey. 

There were quite a lot of familiar faces this week, with Edmure Tully joining Frey and and Benjen in making a comeback (though no one really cared about Edmure, I guess), and it's all just another sign of the show circling back round to the beginning and referencing what's come before. 

Time is a flat circle on Game of Thrones, especially now with Bran's powers revealed, and that means we're getting numerous Easter eggs, callbacks, and references. That's no different in Blood of my Blood, whether it's to the past, the books that have been written, those that haven't, and some tantalising teases of what's to come. 

8. The Play

Game of Thrones Bran's visions lyanna ned R+L=J

The Braavosi play last week was full of hidden cameos and references, starring the likes of Richard E. Grant and Essie Davis, and directing referencing the name of the next A Song of Ice and Fire book, The Winds of Winter.

That theme continues this week, as it makes mention of the Lion and the Rose. That comes as they're depicting Joffrey's death, and that was the name of the episode that joyous moment happened in.

We also got to hear Tyrion's famous book line about seeing if Tywin Lannister really did sh*t gold, something the show sadly skipped first time around. The answer, of course, was no.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.