Game Of Thrones Season 6 Finale: 12 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know

11. Varys Recruits The Sand Snakes (And The Tyrells?)

Jaime Sand Snakes Game of Thrones

Varys' teased secret mission ahead of the Seige Of Meereen has set some rumour-mills on the theory that he may have betrayed Danaerys (hence JUST missing the attack), but a far more likely rumour suggests he's gone for some specialist help.

He will go to Dorne - not seen since the murder of the entire Martell family for their weakness - to recruit the Sand Snakes and convince them to align against the Lannisters.

While he's there, he'll also meet Olenna Tyrell as Dany picks up more friends ready for her invasion.


A now-deleted Reddit thread suggested that Dorne will reappear in the finale, finally tying up (or kick-starting) the dormant Sand Snakes thread.

And on top of that a Spanish newspaper apparently also spoiled Olenna Tyrell and Varys together in Dorne, suggesting a meeting has to happen before the end of the season.


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