Game Of Thrones Season 6 Finale: 5 Hints Lady Stoneheart Will Appear

2. Sansa Is The New Stoneheart

Sansa Game Of Thrones The Broken Man

She might not be undead or wordless, but Sansa's new direction beyond the limits of the source material feels very much like a spiritual replacement for the Lady Stoneheart story.

She is the focal point for the Stark family's wounds, bearing more emotional and physical scars of her own thanks to her treatment at the hands of Joffrey and Ramsay. Admittedly her problematic relationship with Littlefinger would be something of a boundary to negotiate, but it would be compelling to see her leading the North's vengeful mission against the Freys and the Lannisters.

In other words, Lady Stoneheart isn't needed, and her presence would render the Starks in the North somewhat redundant.


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