Game Of Thrones Season 6: Ranking Every Death From Worst To Best
19. Doran And Trystane Martell

Causes Of Death: Stabbed in the chest by Ellaria Sand; stabbed through the back of the dead by Obara Sand.
Oh, Dorne. One of the worst storylines carried out by Game of Thrones, the first episode of Season 6 seemed to be responding to the criticism by effectively ending it. Ellaria stabbed Doran, and on a boat Obara drove her spear through Trystane's face.
Except, well, it still didn't really work or help. It was hard to really care about either death, and then Dorne disappeared until the season finale, meaning that any supposed impact of these deaths was lost. Of the two, Trystane's was at least gory and gruesome, but that was about all it had going for it given he was barely a character.
Still, at least it also killed off the boring Dorne storyline (involving them with Daenerys should be a considerable improvement), so it's not all bad.