Game Of Thrones Season 7: 12 Most Anticipated Moments

11. Jon Learns The Truth

Game of Thrones Ned Stark Lyanna Jon R+L=J

20 years after the release of the first instalment in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire saga, Season 6 of Game of Thrones confirmed the series' biggest ever fan theory (and, given how many there are, that's saying something).

It was more an accepted plot point just waiting official confirmation by that point - the theory first emerged not long after A Game of Thrones itself did - but regardless, following Bran up the Tower of Joy and learning that, yes, R+L does equal J was a momentous occasion for the series.

However, while fans (and Bran) learnt the truth at last, Jon himself is still very much in the dark about it. That should change in Season 7 though, since it's surely too big a thread to leave dangling until Season 8, and with only 13 episodes left it's something the series will need to address sooner rather than later.

Having this finally out in the open is going to be, well, a joy, and should make for a brilliant scene however it goes down. It could be that Bran tells him, or it might be that - as one theory goes - Jon will discover his tomb in the crypts of Winterfell, which will tell him his real birth parents (the latter is definitely more interesting).

It's intriguing to think of how Jon will react, and just what it'll mean. It'll be another emotional character moment, but also one with big ramifications for the show's two biggest characters.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.