Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 Best Internet Reactions To "The Queen's Justice"

13. Davos: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

If you didn't already love Ser Davos, his interactions with Dany in The Queen's Justice were a glorious advert for his fandom. As well as being an island of logic, he has absolutely no time for any of the bullsh*t ceremony that defines the royal courts. He made it very clear that he wasn't going to be intimidated or impressed by Dany's various accolades.

He's a simple man, in his own words, and his experiences have unleashed his tongue of any taste for etiquette.

He's also quickly becoming Jon's bro, with the inevitable shipping happening all over the place...

It was still slightly odd that he tried to hit on Missandei, but you have to remember he's barely seen a woman in months other than Brienne and Sansa, and neither would be worth the hassle he'd get from their "protectors" and wooers...


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