Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 Best Internet Reactions To "The Spoils Of War"

13. The Gold Confusion

It seems a lot of people watching thought that Dany's attack on Jaime led to the destruction of the gold and the removal of Cersei's ability to repay the Iron Bank. There's a reason they suspected as much, since Cersei literally told Tycho of the Iron Bank that Jaime was personally over-seeing the transit of the gold.

So, in other words, she lied, because later we got confirmation that all of the gold was safely at King's Landing, in defiance of how this whole story was supposed to go. Still, lots of the fans just ignored that...

And interestingly - especially for fans of the books, the Golden Company were mentioned...

There's no way it could just be a name-drop. Not at this stage and with the money delivered to the Iron Bank. It's too much of a key detail to just drop like that, so we should start getting very excited for a very real possibility of them showing up...


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