Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 Best Internet Reactions To "The Spoils Of War"

8. Davos DID Come On To Missandei

So much for your theories that Davos didn't make a little pass at Missandei when they met: he proved that he absolutely did by seguing from his gag about Dany's boobs to one about hers. "Speaking of good hearts..." Davos, you devil!

The episode did remarkably well to balance the heavy threat of violence and the emotional turmoil of the last sequence with some trademark levity - Bronn's "Dickon" joking, Davos' puerile ribbing, the terrible Stark soldiers...

...And best of all the giggling schoolgirl exchange between Missandei and Dany...

Still, why is it okay for Jon and Dany to have sexual tension? They're auntie and nephew. Why is no-one talking about how wrong this is?


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