Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 New Images You Need To See (And What They Might Mean)

2. King In The North

Game of Thrones Jon Snow Season 7
Helen Sloan/HBO

Here's our first proper look at Jon Snow, the newly-crowned KING IN THE NORTH, in Season 7. And while he was finally revealed to be half-Targaryen in Season 6, I don't think he's ever looked more like a Stark, and especially Ned's son, than he does here.

He looks upset, obviously, and that takes on added pertinence when you consider just where he is in this photo: the Winterfell crypts. We've been down there before, including in the very first episode of the show, which is a sign of how much things are coming full circle as we approach the endgame.

As for who he's looking at, the smart money is on Lyanna Stark, who is of course his mother - even if he doesn't know about it yet (the alternative notion here is that it's Rickon, but the show largely likes to forget about him). There's a strong chance that Jon will discover the truth about his parentage this year, and the crypts could play a part in that: there's a great fan theory that suggests there's a tomb down there, hidden away, which is intended for Jon and reveals the truth about who he is.

Game Of Thrones Season 7 Jon Snow
Helen Sloan/HBO

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.