Game Of Thrones Season 7: 7 Big Rumours That Are Probably True

6. Thoros Or Beric Die For Real

Game Of Thrones Beric Dondarrion

Beric Dondarrion's time must be coming to an end: he's looking progressively more like Frankenstein's Monster as the deaths pile up, and Thoros of Myr has already announced that he won't be able to bring him back every time someone puts him down.

So what's more gut wrenching for the Brotherhood Without Banners? Losing their mercurial, undying leader, or their link to the Lord of Light? Whoever gets taken down, it's going to have a major impact.

Practically speaking, Beric dying will leave the Brotherhood following another one of their number (most likely The Hound) but still heading in a Northerly direction thanks to the visions both Sandor and Thoros have seen in the flames.

However, Thoros dying would remove any chance of Beric ever being revived again, and also leave the group without direction as the Red Priest's visions seem to guide them on their journey. Also, Beric's flaming sword could also come in handy to burn Thoros if he bites the dust North of the Wall...

One of them is going down - they're going North, and people die in the North a lot - the question is just which one?


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.