Game Of Thrones: Season 7 - 8 Clues From "Stormborn" Trailer

6. Yara's Impatience

Yara Greyjoy

There is some value to Dany inviting her new allies into her War Room (hopefully she will have washed that table, since that's where Melisandre and Stannis made their special smoke baby), but it's inevitable that there will be a clash of approaches. Tyrion is a measured man, who will espouse a measured approach (like taking out key targets strategically before sneaking into King's Landing via a backdoor). He's not an all-guns blazing guy - which Yara Greyjoy absolutely is.

Yara War Room

The Greyjoys are not a subtle people, and unfortunately for Yara, precedent suggests rushing in is not the best way. That's how Theon and his penis parted ways. You'll notice she's not actually arguing her case with Dany, but with Varys and Greyworm (and probably Tyrion). And it looks heated, from Yara at least.

So the real question here is whether Yara defies Dany or whether she's able to convince her that swift attack is the right choice - either way, she's going to fight.

Looking at the way the shot of Dany looking out over her fleet is framed, there is some suggestion that we're supposed to think she agrees with that approach (and Dany has a habit of making mistakes). She needs to lose at least one battle to even the playing field for the Lannisters a little, and this might be the misstep that leads to it.

Game of Thrones Dany Fleet

There's also a shot of a Greyjoy ship, but it's probably not one under Yara's command. It's more likely to be the one that comes and shows her why she was wrong to be too impatient...

Greyjoy Ship

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