Game Of Thrones: Season 7 - 8 Clues From "Stormborn" Trailer

2. Blossoming Romance?

Yara Ellaria Sand

Generally speaking, this is a bad idea for both of them. If you fall in love with someone in Westeros - assuming they aren't your twin sister - you or they usually end up dead. And since neither Yara nor Ellaria Sand are particularly key characters in the progression of the Great Game, it wouldn't at all be surprising if they both went.

But what if this isn't as romantic as it seems? There's a pretty big suggestion that Yara and Ellaria both end up being captured (probably because they rushed in to battle prematurely), and are the "gift" Euron promises Cersei. What if this kiss comes when the pair are captured, and is in fact Yara's way of killing herself via Ellaria's favoured method of poisoning to avoid what Cersei plans to do to her?

That would fit the fact that Episode 3's synopsis talks of Cersei "returning a gift" - presumably that would be Yara's dead body (and possibly Ellaria's too).


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.