Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale: 10 Hints From The Trailer

7. Sansa Is Isolated

Game Of Thrones Sansa Finale

With Arya basically sharpening her knives and being all serial killer creepy and Brienne and Pod down in King's Landing, Sansa is almost entirely alone with Littlefinger and what remains of Bran at Winterfell. The trailer is very clear to emphasise that isolation.

Sansa Game Of Thrones Alone

Something surely has to come to a head here? If it wasn't going to, we wouldn't even get to see anything of Winterfell in the finale, with so much important story to be told in the South.

And the other important thing to remember is that we still haven't heard Sansa say the "the lone wolf dies but the pack survives" line. So presumably, we see her and Arya talking once more, and perhaps an unravelling of Littlefinger's plans to split them apart.

And hopefully we'll get to see his head mounted on a spit soon too.


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