Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale: 12 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know

7. We Get A Flashback

game of thrones tower of joy

As part of Bran's revelation around Jon's true parentage, it seems likely that we're going to see a flashback actually showing something of the relationship between Rhaegar and Lyanna, in the same manner as the flashbacks from season 6.

In story-telling terms, having the parallel of Jon and Dany's relationship and that of his parents would be a very smart approach, particularly as we're led to believe that Thrones history rhymes the same way Star Wars does. And given the way we're being teased about Dany and Jon having their own child (despite Dany's belief that she can't), it would be an even more pertinent parallel to go back to see what happened before Jon's birth.

Thanks to a casting call leak prior to the season, there was some talk about a young warrior being cast, and that would certainly fit in with an appearance by Rhaegar.

Could Bran actually gift Jon the vision himself?


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