Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale: 12 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know

5. Cersei Will Lose Her Child

Game of Thrones Cersei

Though some have suggested that Cersei's pregnancy is a fabrication to keep Jaime under her control, that really doesn't ring true with the promotional image released ahead of the finale showing her almost tenderly cradling her stomach instinctively.

Unfortunately, the happiness Cersei probably feels at being pregnant might not last as long as she'd hope. She probably assumes that her pregnancy actually kills Maggy The Frog's prophecy (since it said she would have only three children), but tragically, fans are reading that prophecy as a hint that the fourth child will not be born alive. If she loses the child, she will be even more of a wildcard, painfully aware that the Lannister line dies with her, and that might well make her even more of a loose cannon when she's dealing with Dany and Jon.

There is some suggestion that Cersei may even die in childbirth (or from complications in her pregnancy earlier than that), and that the Valonqar in question actually refers to her unborn child (who would be the younger sibling of the other three surviving children).


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