Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale: Predicting Who Lives & Who Dies

22. Qyburn

Game of Thrones Qyburn

Where He'll Be

At the side of his Queen, as ever, at the Dragonpit, where he's probably going to have some hand in whatever plan she's cooked up.

Verdict: Dies

Unfortunately for the mad scientist of King's Landing, he's now pretty much expendable, having masterminded the rise of The Zombie Mountain, the use of wildfire and the invention of the Scorpion. He should be destined to go the same way most over-reaching scientists tend to go when they mess too much with nature.

And since he's not a fighter, if it all kicks off in the pit, you shouldn't expect him to give a good account of himself.

21. Pod

Game Of Thrones Pod

Where He'll Be

Having seen Sansa turn his protection down, Pod goes to King's Landing with Brienne as her squire, where they join up with Jon's party to meet Cersei, who coincidentally wants all of her enemies in one place at once. You can just about smell the doom.

Verdict: Dies

Pod has rather unfortunately been given the Hedwig treatment in this season: he's a beloved character sidelined by the plot in order to make his departure feel less painful. So far all we've seen of him is him getting his arse handed to him by Brienne in training, and if there's a fight at the Dragonpit, it's unclear whether he will have even learned enough to protect himself.

Someone affecting has to die in the melee (or the explosion or whatever), and it wouldn't be too bad a guess to suggest him.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.