Game Of Thrones Season 7 Implications: What "The Queen's Justice" Really Means

1. Olenna's Final Lash Out

Olenna Game Of Thrones

With Highgarden captured, Olenna Tyrell - the low-key MVP of the entire show - is no more, poisoned to death (humanely) by Jaime Lannister in her own quarters.

It was inevitable that she and her army would fall soon - mostly because they inflated Dany's forces too usefully - but it's still a shame to see one of the sharpest minds and tongues in Westeros leave. But at least she got her final moment to shine.

In one of Diana Riggs' greatest moments in the show, the Queen Of Thorns graciously accepted her death (what does she really have to live for anyway?) but then spat venom back at Jaime, confessing that it was she who killed Joffrey, rather than Tyrion, and insisting that Jaime tells Cersei.

It was an artful final wound by Olenna, and a final victory that would have to stand in for her watching Cersei die (there would have been some satisfaction in seeing the horror on Jaime's face at least), and the possible ramifications are huge.

Presumably, Jaime will now tell Cersei the truth - perhaps in the hope that she will turn down her intense hatred of Tyrion - and she will react with typical apathy. There's no way she's letting Tyrion off the hook, even when he didn't commit any crime against her, and that might well further drive a wedge between her and Jaime (and hopefully lead to him defecting).

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