Game Of Thrones Season 7 Premiere: 10 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Dragonstone'
1. Was Bran's Vision The Present Or The Future?
Bran makes it to Castle Black early on in the episode, but first we're greeted by a haunting vision: the Night King leading his army of the dead (include a wight giant!) towards the Wall and Westeros.
It's a chilling moment, and as we watch it the scene is portrayed as happening in the present. We know the dead are coming, so this is just them on their way, a point they'll probably reach in the season finale.
But then, looking closer at the scene, it appears as though the ground in front of them is actually grass, not snow, and instead is being iced over as the make their approach. That could mean they're no longer Beyond-the-Wall, but instead have moved beyond it and are now indeed in Westeros. It was already fairly nailed on that the Wall was coming down (and various characters referencing its strength in this episode only backs that up further), but did they just totally confirm it here?
The next entry isn't actually to do with the episode itself, but is a big talking point from the trailer for Episode 2, Stormborn.