Game Of Thrones Season 7 Spoilers: 17 Scenes We 100% Know Are Happening

16. The Lannisters Pay Their Debts (Or Don't)

Iron Bank Game Of Thrones

We already know that The Iron Bank of Braavos has a fearsome reputation. Tyrion pretty handily sketched that out back in season 4:

“You can’t run from them. You can’t cheat them. You can’t sway them with excuses. If you owe them money and you don’t want to crumble yourself, you pay it back.”

Luckily for the Bank, Lannisters ALWAYS pay their debts. So it shouldn't be a problem that they're going to be calling in their huge debt in Season 7, with Tycho Nestoris set to turn up in King’s Landing personally. Actor Mark Gatiss revealed that he will be appearing in two episodes of season 7, and that he'll return in season 8, so he's unlikely to be killed off when he knocks on Cersei's door.

Will we see him align the Bank with Cersei's enemies as punishment for not paying her debts?


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