Game Of Thrones Season 7 Spoilers: 17 Scenes We 100% Know Are Happening

11. Dany Strikes Back

Book Of The Stranger Game of Thrones Danaerys

There's clearly going to be a lot of repositioning chess pieces in Season 7, and that means lots of action (which is precisely why this season was shortened, lest its costs run ridiculously high). In response to the Tarly and Lannister attack on Highgarden, Dany will strike back leading to a battle bigger in scale than the Battle Of The Bastards.

On their way back to King's Landing, the Lannisters are ambushed by the Dothraki and at least one dragon, and it all descends into all out war...

Luckily, Bronn and Jaime escape alive, but the Tarlys don't fare so well, as Dany punishes them by burning someone important alive. She's no more the bureaucrat refusing to enact violence on her enemies at the behest of Tyrion, she is a terrifying angel of vengeance (and presumably Tyrion isn't present at this point to stop her).


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