Game Of Thrones Season 8: 10 Things Fans HATED

9. Bran Never Using His Powers All Season, And No One Questioning Him

Bran Stark

Studying to become the next Three-Eyed Raven, we see Bran do everything from warg into the past, mind-control friend and foe alike, and learn that he can ostensibly see all things, past, present and future. Only... the latter gets boiled down to him being a "Greenseer", so he can have visions of the future (like a dragon over King's Landing or Wildfire being used), but it's never specific, inviting a level of mystery that would assumedly pay off.


The problem, is clearly DnD weren't informed of Bran's ability set (or never really thought about it) going into the final season. We don't get a single scene where any character questions the fact a small boy is claiming to know everything about the world's history and the White Walkers, and the one time Tyrion sits down to "hear his story", we cut away to something else.

All we needed for the sake of believability was one character - any character - asking Bran was his whole deal was, and just what he was capable of. How do you hang around someone like him and not ask all these obvious questions?

Across the season, Bran wargs once into a murder of crows as they locate the Night King... and that's it. The season closes out with him teasing an interaction with Drogon, but ultimately, this ramp up in expectation across all 8 seasons was for nothing.

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