Game Of Thrones Season 8: 7 Last-Minute Predictions For Episode 4
6. Jon Heads To King's Landing To Negotiate With Cersei

The trailer shows the Targaryen fleet (which is far bigger than the "two or three ships" left over from Euron's decimation of it off the coast of Casterly Rock) at sea, presumably heading south to King's Landing. Or at least that's the inference here - it could be that the fleet sales at the end of the episode and this is misdirection, but no matter, because it's designed to show a journey.
According to another shot in the trailer, that journey will be undertaken by at least Jon Snow and Ser Davos, as well as some of the Unsullied. All of them are seen leaving Winterfell with horses laden for a long journey and the North folk watch them leave, including Sansa. The implication here is that Jon is going to see Cersei in advance of Dany's war with the Lannister Queen.
That also sits alongside some evidence we already know from the King's Landing set in Dubrovnik, where Kit Harrington was spotted shooting scenes with Lena Headey. The only place those scenes can possibly happen in the series is here, if we're to believe that we're going to get a conventional escalation from here onwards.
All innocuous enough, though the question of why Jon is going to seek negotiations (possibly peace talks?) when Dany is calling for Cersei's complete destruction seems strange. And from there, it begins to go badly, according to this theory...